Wigan, Greater Manchester – A young boy’s life has been tragically cut short following a house fire in Wigan. The four-year-old boy, who sustained serious injuries in the blaze, succumbed to them while receiving treatment at the hospital. Greater Manchester Police confirmed the heartbreaking news earlier today.
The fire broke out on Warrington Road at around 2:30 am on Sunday, claiming the life of a 45-year-old man at the scene. Thankfully, officers investigating the incident do not believe the fire’s cause is suspicious.
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is diligently working to determine the origin of the blaze. Detective Inspector Lee Gridley, speaking on behalf of the force, expressed his deepest condolences to the families affected by this devastating tragedy.
“This is a truly devastating incident,” said Detective Inspector Gridley. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of this young boy, whose life had only just begun. In this difficult time, we hope the community will join us in offering them our unwavering support as they begin the long journey of healing.”
The Detective Inspector acknowledged the profound impact this incident has had on the local community. “This heartbreaking news is a tragedy for Wigan,” he added. He also urged anyone with information regarding the fire to come forward and assist the police in their investigation.